Our product is healthy food and active recreation for your pet

Four-legged companions have their own character. Dogs are extroverted animals that tend to interact with the surrounding objects. And so that things important to the owner, such as shoes or a wallet, do not fall into this list, you should buy specialized toys and the right diet for dogs.

Our assortment

Dry food for dogs
Canned food for dogs
Toys for treats
Toys rings
Toys balls
Toy flying saucers

How to choose toys for dogs?

When looking for entertainment products for dogs, you should consider where exactly the dog will play with them:

The house

is soft plush toys, bones without "sound" elements. So the dog will be constantly busy while developing the muscles of the jaw, and silence will reign in the room.


balls, plates, rings. Here the quadruped has freedom of movement, which should be used by making it move as actively as possible. Street toys can be with sound elements - the main thing is that they do not annoy household members and nearest neighbors.

Why should you buy dog food from us?

the cost of goods is affordable
the catalog presents a wide range of goods of different price categories
the store employs experienced consultants who also have pets, so they know everything about them
the company cooperates directly with proven brands, therefore sells quality products
delivery is made to all regions of the country



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